
Relanda is super intuitive. She brings a calming energy in the session. Her readings are so visual, accurate and clear. I thoroughly enjoyed our session. Thanks for all the healings you sent for my mother! I am so grateful. Anu R


I asked Relanda for help with clearing the feelings that create resistance around practicing singing and creating a performance that I want.  Relanda dove in, and without asking me questions, she saw the origins of the fear, and kept removing layer after layer, and filling in with positive energy.  She also gave me some practical suggestions for attaining my goal, that I hadn't considered.  What Relanda said felt like the truth. By the end of our session I felt better and more empowered to move forward with my next steps!  Thank you, Relanda, and Blessings! Madeline Gossi Viriginia USA


In mijn sessie met Relanda pikte zij onmiddellijk op waar ik hulp bij nodig had. Ik had al een paar dagen een pijn/druk in mijn rug precies op de plek die Relanda benoemde.  Ze heeft me enorm geholpen om los te komen van deze zware, bijna traumatische energie die letterlijk vast zat in mijn hart.  Aan het einde van de sessie voelde ik me enorm opgelucht en erg licht en de pijn was weg!  Relanda dankjewel daarvoor! Miranda Verhagen Eindhoven, Nederland


Relanda is an incredible intuitive coach. She is always spot on the core of the of subject. Her intuition is very powerful. She is loving and sweet which makes easier to open up to her in sessions. I also so love how direct she is, no fluffing up the problem. If you are willing to be honest to your self and see results she is your coach!
Ivandra Cavalcantie Broome Londen